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School of Mathematics and Statistical Sciences Vision Statement

Over the next ten years, SIUC Mathematics will grow in its contribution of primary research important to the scholarly community in the mathematical sciences, and of primary research at the interface of the mathematical sciences with other fields. It will also grow in its thorough preparation of academic, educational, and technical professionals in mathematical fields of high need through its undergraduate and graduate programs.

The school values academic rigor, and it delivers mathematical training of high caliber to students willing to pursue it. It is active in community outreach, recruiting new students, and encouraging young people to pursue math and science as a career. Recognizing the severe lack of diversity in the mathematical sciences, the school will increase the diversity of the successful faculty and student bodies at all levels and of the mathematical professions as a whole. Our students will grow to become mathematically literate on their way to becoming functional members of society. To support its important research and training activities, the school pursues appropriate internal and external funding in areas which advance its mission. The school is the central agency on campus to deliver mathematical collaboration and training to researchers and students from all disciplines.

School of Mathematics and Statistical Sciences Mission Statement

The School of Mathematics and Statistical Sciences is responsible for discharging a multifaceted and complex mission within the institution which falls broadly within the traditional categories of teaching, research and service. As an instructional unit, the school offers programs leading to bachelor, master and doctoral degrees and offers service courses for other units and programs throughout the institution. As a unit with graduate programs, the School of Mathematics and Statistical Sciences expects and encourages its faculty to conduct original research in mathematics and to keep current with recent developments in the discipline through participation in professional activities both nationally and internationally. While its service role is limited, the school has a responsibility to raise awareness of the critical importance of mathematics within the area and to encourage and foster mathematics education within the Southern Illinois region.