Fall 2024
Ph.D. Graduates | Professors | Dissertation
- Mona M. Almutari | Gluck & Olive | Infinitely Many Solutions of a Critical Number Choquard Equation on R
- Anthony Sloan | Sullivan | Simple Smale Flows on S^3 Using Embedded Templates with Twisted Bands
Summer 2024
Masters Graduates | Professors
- Jordan Fricks
- Lakni Hettige | Olive
- James Sasu | Olive
- Kasun Pathirana | Olive
- Seth Thomason | Calvert
Ph.D. Graduates | Professors | Dissertation
- Shanika Chandrasena | Schurz | Stochastic SIER(S) Model with Nonrandom Total Population
- Taniya Chandrasena | Schurz | Stochastic SIER(S) Model with Random Total Population
- Abdulaziz Alshammari | Olive | Testing with the One Component Partial Least Squares and the Marginal Maximum Likelihood Estimators
Spring 2024
Masters Graduates | Professors
Ph.D. Graduates | Professors | Dissertation
- Jermiah S. Roberts | Ban | Iwasaw Algebras and Parbolic Induction of P-Adic Banach Representations
Summer 2023
Masters Graduates | Professors
Ph.D. Graduates | Professors | Dissertation
- MD Mostak Ahammed | Bhattacharya | Constrained inference in a scaled linear mixed model for multiple outcomes
Ph.D. Graduates | Professors | Dissertation
- MD Mostak Ahammed | Bhattacharya | Constrained inference in a scaled linear mixed model for multiple outcomes
- Afnan Almazmomi | Bhattacharya | Effect of Misspecified Covariance Matrix on Constrained Hypotheses Tests for Two-stage Samples
- Hiroshani Senarathna | Sullivan | Classifying Knots and Links in L(1,−1) Template
- Manisha Varahagiri | Ban | On Continuous Principal Series Representation of reductive p-adic groups on p-adic Banach Spaces
- Welagedara Arachchilage Dhanushka Madumali Welagedara | Olive | Model Selection, Data Splitting for ARMA Time Series and Visualizing Some Bootstrap Confidence Regions
- Ming Yang | Xiao | Low-rank Models for Tensorial Data in Visual Analysis (Degree is in Computer Science)
Spring 2023
Ph.D. Graduates | Professors | Dissertation
Ali Abdullah Algefary | Xu, J. | On the Riccati-Type Diagonal Stability
Qasim Alharbi | Schurz | Existence, Uniqueness, Stability, and Continuity of Fourier Series Solutions of Stochastic Wave Equations with Cubic Nonlinearities in 3D
Liping Deng | Xiao & Xu, D. | A Research on Automatic Hyperparameter Recommendation via Meta-Learning
Yu Jin | Olive | Some Topics Relevant to Actuarial Mathematics
Summer 2022
Ph.D. Graduates | Professors | Dissertation
Roshini Samanthi Gallage | Hughes & Kocik | Analysis and Numerical Approximation of Nonlinear Stochastic Differential Equations with Continuously Distributed Delay
Herath Mudiyanselage Wiranthe Bandara Herath | Samadi | Dimension Reduction in Multivariate Time Series via Envelope Methods
Rukayya Sani Ibrahim | Samadi | Tensor Dimension Reduction Methods for Modeling High Dimensional Spatio-Temporal Data
- Qilun Luo | Xiao & Xu | Tensorial Data Low-Rank Decomposition on Multi-Dimensional Image Data Processing
- Tharindu Priyan De Alwis Mahappu Kankanamge | Samadi | Advances on Dimension Reduction for Univariate and Multivariate Time Series
- Dodamgodage Gihanee Madumalika Senadheera | Calvert | Effective Concept Classes of PAC and PACi Incomparable Degrees, Joins and Embedding of Degrees
- Wijerathne Mudiyanselage Menake Wijerathne | Choiy | On Supersingular Representations Of GL(2, D) With a Division Algebra D over a p-adic Field
- Lingling Zhang | Olive | Data Splitting Inference
Masters Graduates | Professors
Spring 2022
Ph.D. Graduates | Professors | Dissertation
- Haile, Mulubrhan | Olive | Inference for Time Series after Variable Selection
Fall 2021
Ph.D. Graduates | Professors | Dissertation
- Aljurbua, Saleh | Xiao | The Existence of Solutions for Fractional Differential Equations of Order q in (n-1n], with Antiperiodic Boundary Conditions
Summer 2021
Masters Graduates | Professors
Ph.D. Graduates | Professors | Dissertation
Rajapaksha, Kosman | Olive | Wald Type Tests with the wrong Dispersion Matrix
Safari Katesari, Hadi | Samadi | Bayesian Dynamic Factor Analysis and Copula-Based Models for Mixed Data
Thudewaththage, Kalpa Madhawa | Kocik | Classification of Eigenvalues of Octonionic Hermitian Matrices
Spring 2021
Masters Graduates | Professors
Fall 2020
Masters Graduates | Professors
Masters Graduates | Professors
- Basu, Devjani | Choiy
- Karimushan, Fareeza | Kocik
- Roberts, Jeremiah | Ban
Ph.D. Graduates | Professors | Dissertation
- Gunawardana, Lakshika | Earnest | Locally Primitively Universal Forms and the Primitive Counterpart to the Fifteen Theorem
- Panditharathna, Dinush | Kocik | Spin Network Evaluations and their Asymptotic Behavior
Ph.D. Graduates | Professors | Dissertation
- Athapattu, Chaturika | Ban | Parabolically induced Banach space representation of p-adic groups
FALL 2019
Masters Graduates | Professors
- Alnassar, Ibrahim | McSorley
Ph.D. Graduates | Professors | Dissertation
- Lewis, Naama | Bhattacharya | Convex Optimization Techniques Applied to Improving IRT Models
Masters Graduates | Professors
- Chandrasena, Shanika | Kocik
- Chandrasena, Taniya | Kocik
- Herath, Wiranthe | Samadi
- Zhang, Lingling | Olive
Ph.D. Graduates | Professors | Dissertation
- Pathiravasan, Chathurangi | Bhattacharya | Generalized Semiparametric Approach to the Analysis of Variance
- Rupassara, Upul | Hughes | Joint Exit Time and Place Distribution for Brownian Motion on Riemannian Manifolds
Masters Graduates | Professors
- Alshammari, Mashael | Olive
- Senadheera, Gihanee | Calvert
PhD Graduates | Professors | Dissertation
- Rathnayake, Rasanji | Olive | Inference for some GLMs and Survival Regression Models After Variable Selection
FALL 2018
Masters Graduates | Professors
- Wijerathne, Menake | Choiy
Masters Graduates | Professors
- Ranaweera, Chamila | Olive
- Wang, Handong | Olive
- Murphy, Charles | Olive
- Imhoff, Drew | Olive
Ph.D. Graduates | Professors | Dissertation
- Althubiti, Saeed | Schurz | Stochastic Functional Differential Equations with Infinite Memory
- Liu, Shouzong | D. Xu | Age-Structured Predator - Prey Models
- Fan, Rong | D. Xu | Random Walk with Absorbing Barriers and Telegraph Equation with Absorbing Boundaries
FALL 2017
Masters Graduates | Professors
- Durig, Rebekah | Kocik
- Gallage, Roshini | Hughes
- Kim, Sung-ho | Olive
- Mahappu DeAlwis, Priyan | Samadi
- Rajapaksha, Dimuthu | Olive
- Summers, Porter | Choiy
- Madhawa, Kalpa | Kocik
- Ziedzor, Reginald | Samadi
Ph.D. Graduates | Professors | Dissertation
- Alhuraiji, Abdulkarem | Earnest | Coupling of Quadratic Lattices
- Gamachchige, Tharaka | McSorley | Double-Change Covering Designs with Block Size k=4
- Gumus, Mehmet | J. Xu | New Results on Matrix Stability
- Pelawa Watagoda, Lasanthi | Olive | Inference After Variable Selection
- Rupasinghe, Hasthika | Olive | Bootstrapping Analogs of the One Way Manova Test
Summer 17
Masters Graduates | Professors
- Soule, Patrick | Bhattacharya
Masters Graduates | Professors
- Bartelsmeyer, Craig | Olive
- Haile, Mulubrhan | Olive
- Leitner, Stefan
FALL 2016
Masters Graduates | Professors
- Almaghshi, Mona | Olive
- Panditharathna, Dinush | McSorley
- Senarathna, Herath | Sullivan
Ph.D. Graduates | Professors | Dissertation
- Al-Hashimi, Ghazwan | Michael Sullivan | A Zeta Function for Flows with L(-1, -1) Template
- Alsulaimani, Hamdan | Andrew Earnest | Dubravka Ban | Strict Regularity of Positive Definite Ternary Quadratic Forms
Masters Graduates | Professors
- Athapattu, Chathurika | Ban
- Carr, Andrew | Ban
- Choden, Kezang | Samadi
- Gunawardana, Lakshika | McSorley
- Tram, Heather | Kocik
Ph.D. Graduates | Professors | Dissertation
- Adhikari, Kamal | Sullivan | Realizations of Simple Smale Flows on Three-Manifolds
- Pathak, Nimishaben | Sullivan | Lyapunov-Type Inequality and Eigenvalue Estimates for Fractional Problems
Masters Graduates | Professors
Ph.D. Graduates | Professors | Dissertation
- Rajasingam, Prasanthan | Jianhong Xu | On the Numerical Solution of Continuous Coupled Algebraic Riccati Equations
Masters Graduates | Professors | Master's Thesis
- Castelli, Vina | Calvert
- Pathiravasan, Chathurangi | Olive
- Smith, Alan | McSorley
Ph.D. Graduates | Professors | Dissertation
- Alsibiani, Wahidah | Ban | Reducibility of parabolically induced representations
- Liu, Jun | Xiao | New computational Methods for Optimal Control of Partial Differential Equations
Masters Graduates | Professors | Master's Thesis
Ph.D. Graduates | Professors | Dissertation
- Meyer, Nicolas | Earnest | Determination of Quadratic Lattices by Local Structure and Sublattices of Codimension One
FALL 2014
Ph.D. Graduates | Professors | Dissertation
- Talafha, Abdallah | Shurz | Modified STochastic Sine-Gordon Equation
- Wang, Xiuquan | Xiao & Reeve | Parameter Estimation in the Advection Diffusion Reaction Model with Mean Occupancy Time and Boundary Flux Approaches
Masters Graduates | Professors | Master's Thesis
- Callen, Bryan | Xiao
- Rupassara, Rupassarage Upul | Kocik
- Walker, Matthew | Schurz
Ph.D. Graduates | Professors | Dissertation
- Almarri, Barakah | Sullivan | Renormalization and *-product of the Horse shoe maps
- Kottegoda, Yasanthi | Fitzgerald | The Number of Zeros of Linear Recurring Sequences over Finite Fields
- Peiris, Buddika | Bhattacharya | Constrained Statistical Inference in Regression
- Siriwardena, Lochana | Hughes | Stochastic Models in Population Dynamics
Masters Graduates | Professors | Master's Thesis
- Alanzi, Ayed | Olive
- Gamachchige, Tharaka | McSorley
- Rhoads, David | Pericak-Spector
- Wiley, Sarah | Olive
Ph.D. Graduates | Professors | Dissertation
- Adatorwovor, Dayana | McSorley | H-Removable Sequences of Graphs
- Al-Talib, Mohammad | Bhattacharya | Statistical Models Utilizing Dependence Between Variables
- Yi, Huijun | Bhattacharya | Constrained Statistical Inference When Target and Sample Populations Differ (https://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/disertations/870)
FALL 2013
Masters Graduates | Professors | Master's Thesis
- Mbianda, Olive | McSorley
- Pfister, Jamie | Pericak-Spector
- Rajasingam, Prasanthan | Xu, J.
Ph.D. Graduates | Professors | Dissertation
- Boone, Joshua | Fitzgerald | Higher-Order Lucas Sequences and Dickson Polynomials
Masters Graduates | Professors | Master's Thesis
- Pelawa Watagoda, Lasanthi | Olive
- Rupasinghe, Hasthika | Olive
Ph.D. Graduates | Professors | Dissertation
- Tosun, Cemile | Fitzgerald | Explicit factorization of generalized cyclotomic polynomials of order 2m3 over a finite field Fq
- Tosun, Kursad | Schurz | Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of Schochastic Models in Mathematical Epidemiology
Masters Graduates | Professors | Master's Thesis
- Johnson, Rebecca | Budzban
- Martin, Alex | Fitzgerald
- Spector, Elizabeth | Calvert
- Zalloum, Abdalrazzaq | Hundley
FALL 2012
Masters Graduates | Professors | Master's Thesis
- Alhuraiji, Abdulkarem
- Alsulaimani, Hamdan
Ph.D. Graduates | Professors | Dissertation
- Kemajou, Elisabeth | Mohammed | A Stochastic Delay Model for Pricing Corporate Liabilities
Masters Graduates | Professors | Master's Thesis
Ph.D. Graduates | Professors | Dissertation
- Haynes, Elizabeth | Sullivan | Smale Flows on Three Dimensional Manifolds
- Hazaimeh, Haziem | Schurz | Stochastic Wave Equations With Cubic Nonlinearities in Two Dimensions
- Wilathgamuwa, Gayan | Mohammed | Stochastic Functional Differential Equations Driven By Fractional Brownian Motion And Their Generalizations
FALL 2011
Masters Graduates | Professors | Master's Thesis
- Dorn, Mary | Jeyaratnam
- Lewis, Naama | Budzban
Ph.D. Graduates | Professors | Dissertation
- Zhang, Jianfeng | Olive | Applications of a Robust Dispersion Estimator
Ph.D. Graduates | Professors | Dissertation
- Katugampola, Udita | Kocik | On Generalized Fractional Integrals and Derivatives
Masters Graduates | Professors | Master's Thesis
- Ceballos, Kristen |
- Powers, Joshua | Olive
Ph.D. Graduates | Professors | Dissertation
- Sankhadip, Roy
- Sancier Barbosa, Flavia | Mohammed | Closing the memory gap in stochastic functional differential equations
FALL 2010
Masters Graduates | Professors | Master's Thesis
- Caronongan, Laurie-Abigail | Pericak-Spector
- Field, Brian H. | Xiao
- Kottegoda, Yasanthi | Fitzgerald
- Meyer, Nicolas D. | Fitzgerald
- Rathnayake, Rathnayake Mudiyanselage Rasanji C. | Bhattacharya
Ph.D. Graduates | Professors | Dissertation
- Anver, Haneef M. | Mugdadi | Mean Hellinger Distance as an Error Criterion in Univariate and Multivariate Kernel Density Estimation
- Arachchi Appuhaillage, Dharshana | Bhattacharya | Order Restricted Estimation and Tests for Fit in Homogeneous Row-Column Models
Masters Graduates | Professors | Master's Thesis
- Nave, Kelsey T. | D. Xu
- Peiris, Thelge Buddika U. | Bhattacharya
- Siriwardena, Pathiranage L | Hughes
Masters Graduates | Professors | Master's Thesis
FALL 2009
Masters Graduates | Professors | Master's Thesis
- Pleso, Joseph F. | J. Hundley
Masters Graduates | Professors | Master's Thesis
Ph.D. Graduates | Professors | Dissertation
- Johnson, Darin | Clark | Topics In Probabilistic Combinatorics
- Khurram, Alia | Kammler | Reconstruction Of A Univariate Discrete Function Form: The Magnitude of Its Fourier Transform
Masters Graduates | Professors | Master's Thesis
- Haenggi, Jenna C. | Olive
- Sumant, Sumant | Porter
- Wang, Xiuquan | Xiao
Ph.D. Graduates | Professors | Dissertation
- Ghebremicael, Aman | Wallis | Latin Squares and Applications
Masters Graduates | Professors | Master's Thesis
Ph.D. Graduates | Professors | Dissertation
- A, Min (Amy) | Xiao | Solvability of Diffusion Models of Insect Movement in Complex Landscapes
Masters Graduates | Professors | Master's Thesis
- Agudelo, Elmer | Olive
- Anver, Haneef | Wallis
- Boone, Joshua | Fitzgerald
- Hodges, Lori | Ban
- Mohr, Austin | Porter
- Ragsdale, Tina | Fitzgerald
- Rastegar, Reza | J. Xu
- Vespa, Matthew | Pericak-Spector
- Wang, Xin | Feinsilver
- Yu, Xuebo | McSorley
Ph.D. Graduates | Professors | Dissertation
- AbuHassan, Hassan | Olive | Some Transformed Distributions
- DeSouza, Comlan | Kammler | Periodic Eigenfunctions of the Fourier Transform Operator
- Lin, Yuan | Xiao | High-Order Finite Difference Methods for Solving Heat Equations
- Schwartz, Andrew | Clark | Decompositions of Graphs and Trees
- Teweldemedhin, Amanuel | Mugdadi | Nonparametric Estimators of Mean Residual Life Function
- Ye, Ping | Bhattacharya | Tests of Symmetry with Ordered Alternatives in Three-Dimensional Contingency Tables
Masters Graduates | Professors | Master's Thesis
- Bayer, Jessica | Olive
- Katugampola, Udita | Pericak-Spector
- McClure, Michael | Budzban
- Moses, Maisha | Budzban
- Pant, Mohan | Olive
- Roy, Sankhadip | Fitzgerald
- Wilathgamuwa, Gayan | Budzban
- Yi, Huijun | Jeyaratnam
Ph.D. Graduates | Professors | Dissertation
- Marr, Alison | Wallis | Labelings of Directed Graphs
Masters Graduates | Professors | Master's Thesis
- Adams, Deborah | Yucas
- Arachchi-Appuhamillage, Suresh | Bhattacharya
- Bush, John | Wright
- Fernandez, Arun (Math/ECE) | Wallis
- Jeter, Jennifer | Mugdadi
- Namazi, Azita | Kocik
- Ptukin, Yevgeniy | Kocik
- Sancier-Barbosa, Flavia | Mohammed
- Spector, Daniel | Xiao
Ph.D. Graduates | Professors | Dissertation
- Chang, Jing | Olive | Resistant Dimension Reduction
- Huang, Zhongming | Jeyaratnam | Multinomial Change Point Problem
- Kazi, Haseeb | Neuman | Inequalities and Bounds for Elliptic Integrals
Masters Graduates | Professors | Master's Thesis
- A, Min (Amy) | Mugdadi
- Al-Mohy, Awad | Fitzgerald
- El-Homani, Abdellatif | Kocik
- Lamichhane, Rajan | Olive
- Rawal, Bhupendra | Pericak-Spector
Masters Graduates | Professors | Master's Thesis
- Abu-Algassab, Yahia | Xiao
- Dasgupta, Mahua | Bhattacharya
- DeSouza, Comlan | Kammler
- Gill, James | Budzban
- Harbison, Jeri | Fitzgerald
- Huffman, Erin | Neuman
- Ibrahim, Ashraf | Feinsilver
- Lin, Yuan | Xiao
- Paliwal, Veena | Mohammed
- Schneider, Angie | Budzban
- Teweldemedhin, Amanuel | Xiao
- Wiscons, Josh | Fitzgerald
- Yates, Andy | Wallis
Ph.D. Graduates | Professors | Dissertation
- Hjouj, Fawaz | Kammler | Identification of Translated and Rotated Structures from Corresponding Projections
- Ibrahim, Haslinda | Wallis | The Non-existence of Nearly Kirkman Triple System of Order 12
- Staples, George | Feinsilver | Quaternionic White Noise Analysis
Masters Graduates | Professors | Master's Thesis
- Elliott, Christena | Wright
- Ghebregiorgis, Ghideon | Mugdadi
- Hodis, Flaviu Adrian | Olive
- Huang, Shou-Chien | Porter
- Khurram, Alia | Kammler
- Lahrech, Abdelmounaim | Mugdadi
- Li, Yongxing | Bhattacharya
- Tesfamicael, Mussie | Olive
- Vines, Kirsty | Parker
- Wheeler, Casey | Bhattacharya
Ph.D. Graduates | Professors | Dissertation
- Almanassra, Mahmoud | Jeyaratnam | Estimation of Survival and cumulative-Hazard Functions of Restricted Quality Adjusted Lifetime
- McCreight, Jeff | Kammler | Generalized Fourier Transforms
Masters Graduates | Professors | Master's Thesis
- El-Sadat, Sherif | Mugdadi
- Ghebremicael, Aman | Wallis
- Kakade, Jayawant | Wallis
- Kazi, Haseeb | Neuman
- Madsen, Del | Patula
- Munthali, Emmie | Mugdadi
- Pagadala, Sirisha | Neuman
- Schwander, Karen | Foster (Pol.Sci/Math)
Ph.D. Graduates | Professors | Dissertation
- Pogge, James Todd | H. Kim | Residual Automorphic Representations of Symplectic Groups
- Wang, Jiantian | Jeyaratnam | Estimation of Quality Adjusted Survival Function and Mean Lifetime Medical Cost